For example, if you live in Canada and you are sending to a US address, get a money order payable in US funds. When you live in a different country than the recipient, send a money order in the correct funds for the recipient’s country.
#Formatting manuscripts professional#
Be sure to include ample postage, enough for the professional to add three or four pages of her own in addition to your manuscript.

It’s almost guaranteed that the professional won’t share your sense of humor and will reject your work. A query should have one paragraph about the manuscript, one paragraph about the author (include any awards, special qualifications and publishing history) and one paragraph about what you want (representation, published) and what you are willing do to get it (book-signings, speeches, sacrifice your firstborn). If a query is enclosed, it should take the place of the cover letter.Keep the cover letter to one page, single spaced. Give special instructions, such as if you do not want the manuscript returned. If for a critique, say so.) You may also mention the reason for writing and anything else pertinent or special about the manuscript or the author. If for a contest, list the contest name and end date. If for publication in a magazine, list the magazine name. It should give the name of the manuscript, the approximate word count, and a statement as to why you’re sending it.
#Formatting manuscripts full#
It can be short, simple, and to the point, but should include the author’s full name and address, telephone number with best time to call, and email address. Include a cover letter, unless requested not to.Verify that all pages are included and that all are in readable condition.For larger ones, put in an appropriately sized box. Do not staple the pages or use bindings.Unless otherwise instructed, put the word “page” and the page number (use a number, not the spelling) on the upper right corner of each page.(Skip the first page if you include your name and info on it.) Unless your manuscript is a submission for a contest with different instructions, put the name of the manuscript and your name, separated by a slash, on the upper left corner of every page.Center asterisks, dashes, or dots when you intentionally leave a line blank.Indent each paragraph five spaces (1/2 inch).Don’t skip a line between paragraphs or scenes.

Use your computer settings do not manually enter the spaces.
#Formatting manuscripts skin#